Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012

Blog topic for the day.... *drumroll*.... 2011! *boo!*

What? Just because *everyone* is talking about the new year it doesn't mean I can't jump on the bandwagon..

What kind of a year was 2011?
I'm not quite sure really... I don't think it was bad though... Better than 2010.

What have I done in 2011?
Since I don't have time to figure out a way to specify *something-new-that-I-haven't-done-before* in the question, well, its okay, I just did. So yeah.

So in answer to the question(and the subtext)...
a. Hostel life! (for a month) Everything included, the terrible food, sneaking in outside food(Hide n Seek, Monaco, Ritz, cup ramen, anything I could lay my hands on...
b. Learned to read and write Hangul(or 'Korean' to the world uninitiated to K-culture)... Next step - Actually understand what I'm reading....
c. Drew my first human portrait, that was this year right? Seems so long ago... Kiseopie my love <3
d. Did something incredibly stupid that I thought I would regret but I didn't? Check!
e. *Something-I-can't-put-up*... :P
f. Made new friends.
g. Grew up...

Dammit. I've done nothing this year.

New Year Resolution
Nothing. I made a new year resolution that I wouldn't make any new year resolutions a few years ago, maybe when I was in the 9th Grade, so yeah, that's one resolution I've kept.

I'd try to post more often I suppose.

Dammit. Yet another broken New Year's Resolution to the pile.

On other news, TeukSora Pepero Kiss video, cutest video I've seen all year. <3 No, maybe all December, EunHae moments beat it in November. - for the TeukSora moment.


Until the next time I feel like putting up something I've written and don't have the guts to put up yet :P


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