Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good Morning World!

Bahahaha.... That's some insane new header....

It doesn't really suit the page does it....? Well.... I feel like ironies right now..:P

Hmm... You don't really notice how beautiful and wonderfully distractive the world is until you have an exam in a few days and all you're expected to do is sit in one place and drown your suddenly active imagination in derivations of expressions of magnetic field in and around conducting wires and spheres and solenoids and the like....

Man... I so didn't need that guilt trip right now....-.- When I called you up in the morning I wasn't really expecting you to call me back in half an hour with something prepared to make me feel guilty about being online all morning when I am supposed to be studying...... -.-

Bwah... Now I feel extra guilty because I'm still online after you spent half an hour thinking of some way to make me study.... But then again, why? Whhhyyyy would you do something like that? :( :( :P

Yeah... I probably should go....



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