Prince of Tennis Fan Fiction Part 1

Location- Tokyo International Airport
Time - Around late evening

'5 foot 6"…… Light brown hair….' Tomoe repeated to herself. A girl was coming to their school by a student exchange program and she was her student counselor. She was waiting at the Tokyo International Airport and the flashing letters showed LONDON - TOKYO ARRIVED. She waited, watching the people who came out through the doors. A girl who matched the description given to her walked out of the doors carrying a backpack and pulling a luggage bag. Tomoe walked up to her and said, "Hello! Are you Julie William?". The girl looked at her and a huge smile spread over her face and she said, "Yeah, you must be Kaidoh Tomoe. Call me Julie". Tomoe smiled at her and said, "Call me Tomoe. Come, my parents are waiting for us outside"

On their way out, Tomoe told Julie that they would be starting classes at Seishun Gakuen or Seigaku Academy from Monday, that day being Friday. "So you are missing class today right?", Julie asked. Tomoe replied, "Yeah, thanks for that! But I have to go for classes tomorrow but it is a half day, I will be back by lunch. You must be really tired! Been on the plane for like, how long?"

"Ugh! Feels like forever! But I think it was around 10 hours in the flight and 2 hours wait in Dubai… I am SO exhausted!!"

Tomoe took out her cell phone and called up someone. She cut the call and turned to Julie, "My parents had said that they would come in to the airport after parking the car somewhere, looks like either they parked too far away or just didn't park the car yet." Just then Tomoe's phone rang and the theme of Darker than Black began to play, she picked it up, said something and turned to Julie, "They'll be here in a couple of minutes" "Kay…No prob…"


Day 1 of Exchange

Location - Tomoe's Room

Time - 6:00 am

Julie went off to sleep almost immediately as she got into her bed. She heard an alarm ring and slowly opened her eyes. 'Where am i?' she thought groggily… She sat up and looked around her, and saw Tomoe looking at her from another single bed near hers, separated by a bedside table, on which was the source of disturbance, the alarm clock. It flashed 6:00 am. "So sorry for waking you up so early in the morning!" said Tomoe. "Naah, its okay, I had woken up anyway." Tomoe sat up and said, "Slept well?" "Like a rock…. "


Still Day 1 of Exchange

Julie decided to go to school and fill out her forms n stuff, but not officially attend any classes. Julie and Tomoe got into the bus. "come to the back, that's where we all sit. A few of her friends were already there. "Julie, this is Maiko, and this is Sayu, my two best friends" pointing at two pretty girls who looked almost identical(well, to Julie anyway) "The guys get in on the next stop" Julie and Tomoe sat down on the seat next to Maiko and Sayu. Maiko asked Julie, "So how do you like Japan till now?" "I landed just yesterday, so till now, I'm having fun"

The bus stopped and a tall guy with spiky black hair got on with a much shorter boy wearing a white cap and carrying a can of Ponta, followed by a sleepy looking guy in a green bandana. The three of them walked right up to the last seat and sat down. The guy with the spiky hair said something to Tomoe of which Julie only caught 'Tomoe'. Tomoe laughed and hit his head playfully and turned to Julie, "Jul, this is Momoshiro Takeshi, we call him Momo, he's in our class. And Momo, she's Julie William the new exchange student. Momo flashed a huge smile and with a twinkle in his eye said "Hey Julie! Nice to meet you" extending his hand. Julie shook it and said "Hey Momo, nice to meet you too" thinking to her self 'typical Type A personality, flirt, but I guess he's a nice guy'… Tomoe said, "Let me introduce you to the others, this is Ryoma Echizen and that is my cousin Kaidoh Kaoru" "hey" "hey" "fshuuu"…

While walking up to the school Tomoe told her about the guys she had just met. "Echizen's new, kinda uptight I think, but Momo thinks he's a nice kid. Momo's a huge flirt and is called Seigaku's number one rascal.."

"Yeah, I thought so.."

"Hahaha… Yeah, I thought you might… but actually he's a really nice guy…"


"No I don't have a crush on him!!!"

"I never said you did! Ooooohhh!!! Guilty conscience!!!"

"No!!!! Seriously!!!!!"

"Yeah, okay, sure, I believe you"


They entered the school, still laughing, Tomoe still trying to convince Julie that she didn't have a crush on Momo. Tomoe knocked on the principal's office door. A voice said "come in" and they entered.

A few minutes later they were sitting in the common room, sorting out through the pile of forms in front of them. "Okay, this is a subjects elective, you don't really get to choose, but I think you can opt out of a few….like Japanese/Chinese literature… so do you want to take calligraphy, art or music?"

"What have you taken?"

"I've taken art…but music is good too.."

"Do you play instruments?"

"Yeah, you can choose between, guitar, drums, flute, violin.."

"I think I'll take music, guitar maybe.."

"Ookay" said Tomoe marking that in the form.."And I guess you won't be taking Japanese or Chinese literature…"

"Yeah, I mean I'd be absolutely lost"

"Point taken…. World history or Japanese history?"

Just then a teacher walked in. Tomoe and Julie got up and the teacher said "its okay, sit down, you must be the new exchange student? Well, hello! I am your class teacher Rinko-sensei" "Good morning sensei"

"So are you choosing your subjects?" "Aa sensei" replied Tomoe. Rinko sensei walked up to them and looked at the forms, "Maybe I can help you with that.."

Fifteen minutes later, Tomoe and Julie walked out with a few papers in their hands…"Well, that was quick" "Yeah, maybe she didn't want you bunking classes…"


Still Day 1 of Exchange… In the Library

Julie sat in the library most of the day, on one of the study tables, a few kids came and said hi to her…. About in the third lesson, someone dropped into the seat in front of her. She looked up and saw Momo grinning at her. "Hi!" she whispered,

"What are you reading?" she lifted the book and showed him. "Why are you reading a big fat boring book on Japanese History and Culture 'Through the Ages'"….

"Its not that boring really…..but okay, I was reading Jeffery Archer when the librarian recommended this book…."

Momo grinned and said "Good! I was hoping you weren't the kind who would pick this up for light reading.." Julie just looked at him with one eyebrow raised, and then looked back into the book… "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Me? Oh I heard rumors that a pretty girl was sitting alone in the library and I can't let that happen, can I?"

Julie just smiled and said "No, seriously"

"Okay, I got thrown out of music" "why?"asked Julie with an incredulous expression.."I broke the drum"

"Wow… nice.."

"What is your art elective anyway?"

"Um…Music" said Julie tentatively, dreading his reaction

"Seriously?!!! Great!!!!!"

' Yeah….sure…'



Day 3 of Exchange….

Outside Tomoe's class

Julie stood outside class 2 C. The door opened and Rinko sensei said, "Julie you can come in now". She walked in and looked around the class. Momo winked at her, Tomoe, Maiko and Sayu smiled and the guy in the bandana looked into his book as soon as she caught his eye. Rinko sensei asked Julie, "Can you introduce yourself please?" she nodded and turned to the class, "Hey everyone, I am Julie William and I'm gonna be your classmate for the next eight weeks…and um…I'm looking forward to getting to know you…." . “Does anyone have any questions?” Rinko-sensei asked. The whole class looked up curiously and were whispering among themselves…'So this is how zoo animals feel…' thought Julie… Momo asked "Did you practice that?"

"Um…actually, I thought of what to say…. Why? Did I rush it?" Julie replied with a smile

Momo grinned hugely and said "Naah… Just checking.."

After about 20 minutes the bell rang. Tomoe turned to Julie( Julie was sitting behind Tomoe, beside Momo and Kaidoh(the bandana guy)) and said, "We have arts now, I'll take you to your music class and then I will go to my art class…" Momo interrupted her with, "No its okay, I'll show her the way…. After you!"


Day 3… Music room

The music class was a huge room with these huge windows down two walls. The kids were grouped according to what instruments they picked. Momo introduced Julie to the teacher who asked her which instrument she wanted to take and told her to sit with a group of girls. Se went and sat down and spoke to the girls and gathered that they had switched from calligraphy to music and it was their first class too. One of the girls whispered, "I heard that the sensei is really strict on new comers" "Yeah even I heard that…" the others agreed…"At least I am not the only new kid" said Julie…. "I agree", said a girl with blonde hair. "Hi!, I'm Miyabe. Transferred from Rikkaidai today" "I'm Julie, on exchange from London…"

Once all the kids with instruments settled down the sensei turned to the new students. "I will not tolerate any more nonsense from you three" to the girls who had switched classes "If you are here, you stay here, no more switching classes" "Yes sensei" "Take your instruments" pointing at the cupboard. The three of them scuttled to the cupboard and picked up instruments of their choice. The sensei assigned them seats, then turned to Miyabe and Julie, "Which instruments can you play?" They both replied "Guitar"…"Well, today there's only one guitar left, do you play any other instruments?" he asked Jade. She shook her head and said "No sensei" Julie saw that the sensei was getting really angry…'Maybe there's some rivalry between Seigaku and Rikkaidai' …. The sensei turned to Julie "Are you willing to change your chosen instrument?'' almost expecting her to say no and preparing to shout at them. Julie replied "Yes sensei" "Which instrument do you want to play then?" "I can also play drums, sir" "Fine then. You take your guitar and you sit at the black drum kit"

Julie sat at the black drum kit. She looked up and saw Momo grinning at her. She smiled and whispered hi. Yamato sensei walked up to the drummers and asked Julie to play any simple beat. She played and he looked relieved. As though he was grateful she could play something at least. He partnered up one guitarist and one drummer and told them to practice any song which they had to play and sing at the end of the week, which was after two one hour classes, present class included. Momoshiro looked at Julie and made a sad face as if to say 'Awwww! We're not going to be together' Julie secretly felt happy cause if Momo's 'crush' on her got serious it could cause problems between her and Tomoe and that would put her in a very awkward situation. Yamato-sensei began calling the guitarists names one by one, asking them to sit near each drummer. He called ''Kaidoh!'' and the boy in the bandana got up. Yamato-sensei looked at the remaining drummers, and said to Kaidoh, "You sit with her" pointing at Julie, "You don't mind do you?" he turned around and asked Julie. "No Sensei"

Momo got partnered with Jade but he kept looking at Julie and Kaidoh. Julie thought about what Tomoe had told her about Kaidoh Kaoru…."He's a nice guy deep, deep, deep, deep inside" she had said laughing, "he doesn't talk much, prefers to keep to himself. His brother's a very friendly kid though.." and had proceeded to tell her about some trip they had gone on with Kaoru's family.

'So what do I say????' thought Julie frantically… "Um..Hey.. I'm Julie… I guess you know that…"

"Yeah, Hi.."


Julie jumped at the sudden instruction, startled. Kaidoh gave a sudden smile and said, "We'd better start too"


"So, what songs can you play?"

"Um… a few... but I can try if I have the notes…."

"Okay then…. I don’t know any Japanese songs… I mean since we have to sing the song too..." said Julie apologetically, shrugging slightly.

"That’s okay", said Kaidoh with a smile, "I don’t expect you to. I know a few English songs.."

"Okay then, lets start.."

"And by the way, your grades are going to be given on the basis of how well you play and sing the song" Yamato-sensei announced. Julie and Kaidoh looked at each other with equally alarmed expressions.


Still Day 3…

Tomoe's and Julie's room

"So how was your first day of school?" asked Tomoe as she brushed her hair. Julie flopped onto her bed, "Tiring…and fun.."

Tomoe laughed and said, "Tiring? Really? Why?"….

"I don’t like introducing myself to every single teacher!!" "

"True, and seeing them look at you like you are disrupting their life or something.. I heard Yamato sensei is like that..."

"Naah… Actually he was a little pissed at some girls who were switching classes but otherwise he's cool. He assigned us partners and told us to prepare some song based on which he would grade us for the term"

"Seriously!!! Its not even near end of term!!!"

"Yeah…gave us a week to prepare..and I didn't get guitar…there was just one left so I took up drums"

"You play drums??"

"Yeah…like YOUR Momoshiro…"

"Shut up!!!"

And both the girls burst out laughing. "Who is your partner anyway??" "Your cousin, Kaoru Kaidoh"

Just then Tomoe's mother called her and said something in Japanese. Tomoe said something back and said to Julie, "Kaoru-chan's coming, clear up the room a bit!!" they threw al their school clothes into a hamper in the bathroom and folded the blankets and picked up the CDs from the floor.

Few minutes later, while Tomoe was telling her about how Kaoru-chan came a few days in a week to help her with her math and English, the doorbell rang. They heard Tomoe's mother open the door and say something. "Must be him" said Tomoe. She took out her math and English books and put them on the table. "Will he mind if I'm here?" Julie asked. "I don’t think so". There was a knock on the door and Tomoe said "Come in please!"

Kaidoh walked in, wearing a black t-shirt and white shorts with a blue stripe. He looked at Tomoe and turned and saw Julie. "Hey.." he just nodded in her direction and went up to Tomoe's table.

"Lets start with the English Assignment"

"Okay" and Tomoe took out her books and put the others back in. Julie watched them discussing their English Assignment which was 'Discuss the role of Mark Antony in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare'. "Have you read the book?" asked Kaidoh..

"Not really…"

"How much have you read?"

"A bit…" then seeing Kaidoh's reproving look added "Okay I read the introduction..?"

"How long has it been since we were given this assignment?"

"Quite a while….Okay, one month"


"Come on!! I don’t get it!!! I cant understand what they are talking about!!!"

"Meaning you have tried reading it?"

"Yeah I did…"

"Fine, you have another two weeks to submit it so we'll read it together this week, and next week we'll do the report okay?"



Day 3… Night…

Julie and Tomoe were getting ready for bed and Tomoe was telling her how much Kaidoh forces her to study. Julie just smiled and said "He really cares…and poor guy he tries so hard to make you understand… and what you're saying he's mean? He didn’t shout at you once did he???"

"Okay, okay fine! I know he doesn’t shout at me and I know he cares and I know he tries but still…"

"You didn’t really read Caesar did you?" looking at Tomoe with a slight smile

"Tried to, didn’t work…. I cant handle iambic pentameter…."

"I can help you if you want…"

"Really?"said Tomoe with obviously fake enthusiasm

"Ya, really!!!!" said Julie said imitating the enthusiasm in Tomoe's voice

Tomoe thought Julie was simply spouting nonsense for the sake of it and decided to call her bluff, "Okay, fine then," with an evil grin, she picked up Julius Caesar from the table.

"Okay then, sit up, no slouching in my class" and noticing Tomoe's shocked expression she added, "just kidding. But how about half an hour everyday before sleeping?"

"Yeah I guess"
