Saturday, December 4, 2010


It sucks when you're hurt because of something you did. Or thought. Trust me, I should know.

Hurt myself so many times before but I never learn. No, I'm not a cutter. But there are forms of hurt worse than physical pain. Pain. Such a short word that cannot fully describe what I'm feeling right now.

Pain, when you have nobody to turn to. Pain, when the world's crashed down on you. Pain, when your mind eats away at your soul.

The red timer is flashing. Self destruct sequence initiated. Countdown begin. 10.

I'm sorry for believing in a fantasy. 9

I'm sorry, brain. I should know by now that the safest path for my heart is when I don't listen to it and listen to you. Logic over emotions. 8

I'm sorry I didn't see that coming. Who am I kidding, I did see that coming. But no, I have no mind-body coordination now do I? 7

Thank you for being honest, at least now. You should have been honest from the start. But yeah, better late than never. You forgot how that principle doesn't apply when it's already too late. 6

I don't understand how I didn't believe myself. Its my mind. Its me. Its all I have, all I can believe anymore. 5

No guys, its not your fault. None of this is your fault. If it is anyone's fault it is mine. It doesn't hurt to admit it. Not any more. 4

Oh and thanks. For being there for me during the worst fucking day in my life. Love you all.




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