Monday, December 6, 2010


The only reason I'm doing what I'm doing is because we've been through too much together and I can't let it go without a fight.

It is hard, getting harder by the minute, but it's okay. I can pretend that everything is okay, that everything is the same. What goes on in my head is of no consequence as compared to what it would do to 'us' if set free. I keep my thoughts to myself, my tears within my heart, and my pain within my soul. But it is okay. It's okay it because we're worth so much more that the thoughts in my head.

Everything I'm doing now is worth it, because of all that we've been through.... :(....

By the way, I've added reactions to my blog so that you can rate each post rather than comment(I've been told it is a long and complicated process) 

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