Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Old Friends...

I spoke to an old friend today....

Well.... Maybe not that old.... But I haven't spoken to him on the phone ever(maybe once) and haven't met him since March(This year) and haven't texted him since June(still this year).....

But essentially, an old friend, and... It was nice!

We could totally talk and there was so much to say and it wasn't like you know, *awkward silence*...

And I didn't say "What else?" throughout the entire conversation....



And after I put the phone down I couldn't help thinking how it was so not like *those certain people*  I meet everyday and talk to everyday whom IF you put me on the phone with, I wouldn't know what to say...



And it was especially nice cause today I was thinking who I might call up if all my friends paired up (and died =P... long story... think Hancock)....

Gotta go have dinner....


The one time she made me wanna cry.... :)


I'm open to criticism....