Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Day Today!


Okay when *I* (of all people) start a post with "LOL!", you know something's wrong...

Well, this time you're wrong!! Cause nothings wrong!!!

Um... Yeah... Moving on...

Today was a nice day! I found out something *super* shocking, which I expect most people would expect me to get upset on hearing... But... Wait for it.... I'm super excited! I mean being upset or hurt didn't even occur to me!!

I hope everything works out though.... :S

I read out one of my *stories* in General Studies today.... It was *awesome*!!! I mean, not just my story (*modesty*) but the response was soooo amazing..!!! Plus, I was kinda super terrified when I started reading, as in like my voice was shaky, my knees were wobbly, I was trembling all over... But my class was like *silent* throughout my story.... And..... *sigh*... It was super cool....

Hmm.... What else...?

The only downside of today would be that one of my closest friends, totally betrayed me! I thought you would understand, traitor!!!

Uh... That was so pointless... The traitor is not gonna see this any time soon anyway.... Stupid virus on the stupid laptop....


PS.... Yeah, true to my *true nature* there is still one thing nagging me....
"When did we stop telling each other the truth?"
                                           - Kazuki, while thinking about Azuma
                                              La Corda D'oro Primo Passo

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