Saturday, September 4, 2010

Random Musings -- 'The Kite Runner' and chocolates

Just read "The Kite Runner" for the second time.... It was lying on my table the whole while but couldn't bring myself to read it again.... It would be so much easier if I could just cry.......

Almond cake with honey and hot tea..... What a warm thing to find out about a mother you barely know or remember.... Khaled Hosseini is a *genius*.....

All this makes you just wonder...... How would the same story be from Aseef's PoV.... ???

Well.... moving on to slightly less literary issues....

Chocolate!! What can't it do!?

Well, as my good friend, and future famous philosopher asked me, 'Can it cure diabetes?'....

I dont think it can but I love it anyway....... Hmmm..... I guess thats true love.... :) :P...

Might as well love inanimate objects..... Guys aren't worth the drama anyway.... :P

Dostet darum ...

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