Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pink Strawberry Ice Cream

A beautiful day. The sun was shining bright, there were hardly any clouds. The continuous cool breeze made sure that the heat from the sun didn't get too intense.

Everything felt right. She was happy. Genuinely happy, not just the temporary happiness that a usually depressed person gets from those little interactions, from those little funny things.

It had been a while since she was genuinely happy. It felt good. There wasn't anything on heaven or earth that could make her day go wrong. Even if it had started to rain while she was crossing the road she'd have been ecstatic. The rain was beautiful. Pretty, pretty little drops. Even prettier, or maybe beautiful, bigger drops. The wind playfully splashing water droplets onto her face. Lightning making beautiful patterns in the sky that, in an instant had turned a splendid grey of the thunderclouds. The deep, clear uproar of thunder surrounding her, filling her from the inside…

Anyway, it wasn't raining then, so she shook off her daydreams and crossed the road. On her way to meet an old friend at an old haunt.

They were both incredibly, albeit pleasantly, shocked when they had practically ran over each other last week. It had been so long, almost too long. They still remembered, it still felt the same, to be bumping into your old best friend, it just felt perfect. It was the icing on the cake, the cherry on the sundae, the topping to what felt like her perfect life.

They were on the phone again, late last night. Talking about the things they had to fill each other in on. Like they used to, years ago, hours into the night. They spoke about the failed relationships, the new jobs, the new friends, their families, the sweet memories and the one new, perfect thing in her life. Her new special friend. The one guy who was, though she didn't like to admit it, the cause of all her happiness.

She pushed the door open and felt the warm smell of coffee and something baked, maybe cakes or donuts, surround her. It had been a while since she had been here. A long while. Nowadays it was just a grab-and-run mad dash to the office. Been a while since she'd stopped and smelt the coffee.

She walked, floated to a corner seat, it used to be their favourite seat in this place. All of them, high school friends, college buddies, the corner seat was quite crowded back then. She sat down and waited for a much anticipated nostalgia session.

It finally feels right… After all the jerks I've been with, he feels... right. I mean I can't even imagine a reason for things to go wrong between us. I'm just so… happy…

Parts of yesterday's late night conversation floated in her head. Especially the part where she was talking about him. Though she'd felt it earlier, it was the first time she had articulated how deeply she felt about him. It was even more special because she knew he felt the same way about her.

"Oh my god! It's been too long!"
"I know!! You're looking amazing!"
"Look who's talking! Look at you!"

They sat, laughed, spoke. All the things they'd done together started to play like a movie in her head. Remember that time when we… remember how he… oh! And how we went there…

The day got better and better - up to such an extent that if it'd gotten any better there'd be unicorns running around and rainbows in the sky and people belting out lyrics to happy songs… It’s a per-fect da-a-ay…

Her usual sense of reality - some may call it paranoia - didn't kick in. Usually she's have thought Oh crap. The higher I am, the harder I'll fall…

She heard a familiar voice, a beautiful, deep voice that sent her heart fluttering. Like those little butterflies on a spring day. Or like in those cheesy chick-lit novels.

She looked up and saw him and as it would happen in a movie, the lights dimmed, the music grew louder, everyone around grew blurry…

Right up until he went and pressed his lips to those of a blonde sitting at the next table.

Wait… What??

That couldn't be him.

He wouldn't do this to me.

He couldn't…

He just did…

I shouldn't have let him affect my happiness…

Oh my…


Best friends are the stars that you cant see in the night sky. Even if they've gone blurry in your sight, thoughts and memories, they're always there. They're always gonna be there.

I'd always heard it, but I didn't realize it until I found myself on a park bench outside, a plastic cup of strawberry ice cream in my hands.

I wasn't crying… not yet anyway. I'd fallen too hard for there to be no tears. I wish I was strong enough to handle it… I wish I wouldn't cry for that lying, cheating, son of a…

I picked on my pink ice cream. She sat there, waiting for me to say something or even cry. Or maybe she wasn't waiting. Just being there for me. I'd forgotten what was really important.

Few hours later, they walked out of the park. Both had tingly eyes, slightly wet cheeks.

Neither of them were particularly happy just then, but they were… gonna be okay.

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