Thursday, February 3, 2011

Emo or not?

Quite recently a lot of people have labeled me 'emo'.

Okay maybe it wasn't exactly 'recently'.

Let's say that people have been calling me emo for quite some time. Just that recently it's been a lot more frequent.

I don't really know if I'm emo. I mean I'm not even sure what the term exactly means and why that's been applied to me…

I can be overly sensitive. Sometimes. Only when what happens is connected to the people I love or care about. You say crap about me, I get hurt. Isn't it like natural?

I wear black. I love wearing black. Cuz I think that's the one color that looks okay on me. And cuz I read somewhere that black makes you look skinny. :P And cuz you can always find black clothes. And cuz black matches with almost every other color.

And also maybe cause I don't wanna draw too much attention to myself. I'm okay with being under the spotlight, sometimes. I don’t wanna be gawked at all the time… Privacy, people…

I don't cut myself. I'm too scared to staple my finger forget cutting. But have you noticed how easy it is to get a little cut on your fingers whenever you pick up a knife or a a razor? I mean, im a little bit of a clutz when it comes to sharp objects. I mean, I don’t know if it's on purpose.

There was just this one time when I was walking next to barbed wire and I had this incredible urge to walk close enough for it to cut my arm…

But a few seconds later I made sure someone was walking in between me and the sharp objects…

What else…

Yes I think a lot. I contemplate, brood over things, make up crazy paranoid scenarios.

I don’t know if that makes me emo.

My stories can be dark but, at least to me, they're not entirely sad. I mean, Man In the Violet Shirt - the girl walks away with her boyfriend, Unrequited Love - the guy doesn't waste his life on some girl, Words Unspoken - they have all the wonderful memories…

Raindrops - the guy moves on. Voices - sorry, I cant think of anything… maybe the guy is rid of his miserable life? And Red Rose - she has the memories of the guy she loved.

I'm not sure whether I want to be labeled something.

I'm just me.


  1. Well, you are the closest to a real emo we have, so thats probably why you ate labelled 'emo'. Dunno, but anyway, I still staples my finger and you didn't, so aren't all of us a little emo?

  2. Nah, you're fine. Just need to think a bit more about happy endings :P


I'm open to criticism....