Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Things...


So, in the past few days I've done things I wouldn't have dreamt of doing earlier. Starting from cracking dirty jokes while eating chinese to saying an opening speech (that I'd never practiced before)...

It was nice. Was with a whole different set of people than who I am with usually and it was like growing up, you know, cause I was expanding my horizons, learning the 'back' story.... :P

Participating in the MUN is up there in the list of the Awesomest things I've Done. Yeah, it was so awesome, I had to use a non-dictionary word for it...

New friends, new people, new views all in two days (and the month leading up to it).... :P

All the Round Table Conferences, back to back "Confess or Confess"... That sorta thing ought to bind people for life...

"Back" stories.... "Back" stabbing.... lmao!!!

When our FB status "Share" buttons were on spaz attack, right after the MUN on Friday, statuses changing erratically every three seconds...

What did I learn?
1. People can have a totally different personality from what you see...
2. Back stabbing is bad..
3. I don't have to rehearse a speech before saying it..
4. Fishermen should not fish in the reproductive system... Also governments should prohibit fishing in the reproductive system
5. Resolutions shouldn't be good, rather they should be debatable.
6. Sierra Leone has strong relationships with Senegal and Brazil (albeit one sided)
7. French fries are gooood!
8. All international relationships involve politics.
9. I can't whistle as good as I thought I could.
10. I love MUN!!!!

1 comment:

I'm open to criticism....