Monday, November 8, 2010

Despair speaking...

Hehe… A scene from Phineas and Ferb, where Stacy calls up Candace and Candace answers the phone saying, "Despair speaking…"

And Stacy replies, "Can you tell me why 'Despair' isn't picking up her cell phone?"


The worst feeling, even worse than having someone disappointed in you, is when you are disappointed with yourself. That too when a part of you knows that most of the reasons why you're upset is because you're taking yourself too seriously…

And then to top off a perfect day, (… NOT) I lose my flash drive, which my cousin brother gave me… Exactly when I need it the most…

Right now 'Despair' wants to be a dormouse. You know, because dormice dig holes in the ground and hibernate. Well, I know they're not the only animal to hibernate but it’s the first thing that comes to mind. I wanna just bury my head in the ground, or even curl up and go to sleep for a long time.

What's scary is that right now, I could just drop dead and I wouldn't give a shit.

Wonder if there's a word for that…

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