Saturday, October 2, 2010

Try to Forget...

This is a poem I wrote back in June... Meant too much to put it up... Until now... :P

I try so hard not to

But I keep coming back to

Thinking about you

I think about what we might have been

Had you ever thought about me

Beyond just 'Best Friends'

The way I do about you

Maybe I'm thinking too much

But, at least sometimes

I think we could make it work

Why is it so hard

Not to think about you

Not to think about us

If 'us' ever existed, for you

Why is it so complicated

Can't you see it?

Or is it that you choose not to?

You have no idea

How hard it is to forget you

You're on my mind, all the time

And I know I'm not in yours as much

But then, sometimes I wish I was

Maybe its better this way

But then, maybe we're missing something

Something we're looking for

Not realizing we've already found it

Found what we need in each other

I know I've found what I need you

They say you shouldn't fall

Until you're sure that

Who you're falling for will catch you

I've fallen again,

Without hands to catch me

And I've not got a safety net below

Maybe I'm not thinking straight

But sometimes I think

We could make what we have

Last… For long…

For a while at least

Then again, that is what I think…


I'm open to criticism....