Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Letter...

Dear best friend,

I don't know what is wrong with me. I know it is wrong but I can't stop thinking about you. Yeah, I know you said it as a joke but I can't help thinking about you. Its not my fault. Its not like I haven't before. I like you, but then I don't really like you. I want you but I don't really want you. You're like a drug, a cigarette, something I'm addicted to.

We're friends, best friends. We've known each other since we were born, like sister and brother, me and you. We've fallen apart, got back on track, repeated that cycle over and over again. I've made you cry, and you, me. Then again, I've always known how much you mean to me. You know I mean a lot to you.

Being with each other is perfect, we're always in sync. It is like we have two bodies, but one mind. I always know what you are thinking, you always know what I'm feeling. Like twins, but somehow, even better. Better because we can be more than friends, more than siblings, so much more. But then, we can't. we can't be anything more than what we are now. We are at a dead end and as we face this wall, we realize that there is nothing, absolutely nothing more. Nothing more for you and me, nothing more for us.

When I'm close to you I'm happy. Every time you touch me, even if they are accidental brushes on my arms, I am happy. I am completely above all other people. No, it is not the shivers I feel when the one I love brushes my arm. It is different. It is beautiful. You move me in ways I'd never thought possible.

Every time we speak, we connect on some unseen level. The earth is unpopulated except for you and me. You and me, the last man and the last woman on Earth. Thrown together, forced together. Living up every second of being together. No more worries, no more walls put up between us. All of that which makes us who we are, all of that which has hit the pause button at best friends, is gone. All that we’ve gotta worry about is you and me, me and you, us.

We can never be, never meant to be. We are happy with what we have, we have to remain that way till the walls are torn down. But when the decision is between losing a friend tearing down the walls and keeping the friend and the walls, we both choose the latter. The friend is my love, she is your life.

I just thought you should know how I feel about you. I know you feel the same about me. This "forbidden" affection for each other has been well hidden till now. It will remain hidden for ever. We're never going to breath a word to anyone, each other, our friends. Yes love is important but not the most important thing in the world. Our relationship with those who would be hurt if they knew about us is far more important compared to how much more we could be. So, my brother, friend, best friend…

I love you…

With love

A friend

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