Friday, October 8, 2010

Contemplations - A Conversation Between the Two Voices in my Head

Sometimes I just feel so alone…

You can't be alone! You've got me…!

Um… Yeah, but you are me…


Just that, I'd like someone else…

You've got all of them…

Point… But , like right now, I see them, I'm going towards them, but I don’t really want to…

What do you think you're saying?

I mean, I am going there but its like I wanna turn around and walk away.

I don’t understand…

Sometimes I feel like I'm doing this just because I have nowhere else to be….

*Why* would you think that?

Because… Its like I'm not all here.

Of course you are! We're both here right?

Umm… You're here, I'm not.

Then where exactly do you wanna be?

I don't know… Sometimes… With them its like I don't belong…

You know that’s not true…

No I don’t..

Well then, I do!

I don’t know…

What don't you know now?

Very funny… see like right now… everyone has their own you know 'thing'…

Okay fine.. So?

You know.. Its like those two have their thing, she and him have their things, these two have their things…

Yeah but even you have your things right? With each of them…

I know you keep telling me that, but when I think about it, name five 'thing's that come to mind…

Seriously? Its not my fault if you cant remember…

Seriously. Just five.

Well there was that thing with her…

That was a long time ago…

No it wasn't…

Yes it was..

No… it was just a coupla weeks ago…

But still…

You are thinking things way too much you know that?

No I'm not! Its just that you refuse to see the frikkin Neon lights flashing in front of you...

Oh yeah? And you see it?

Yes I do!

And what exactly are they saying?

Very funny… you know as well as I do that neon lights cant say anything…

And you know as well as I do that these neon lights are figments of your imagination…

Oh yeah? Do I have to spell it out? Can't you see it? All this, love, friendship, its just a mirage, a facade, like Hei wears a mask when he is the Black Reaper...

But then under the mask Hei is a nice person right? Maybe under this "façade" like you call it, there is something better…

And maybe not… it could be opposite too you know… As in Hei is a murderer with the mask and a nice guy without… but all this we see is roses on the mask and thorns without…

Stop thinking so much…!

I cant help it! I feel so…

Don’t say it… now you know how they feel…

Yeah… I guess…But… I used to be inside and now I'm out so that sucks worse than being out all the time…

Yeah but… you’re not out now!

Sure I'm not… Oh yeah I forgot… You can’t see it…

Yeah sure… Neon is frikkin invisible for me… Can’t you see it?

See what?

How you’re ruining everything because you're thinking so much?

Someone has to do the thinking right? If you’re just gonna live in your fairy tale world where everything is perfect…

I never said everything is perfect…


Just get used to the imperfections…

Finally get what I mean…?

Yeah… I guess… It still sucks though….

Yeah I know… It does...

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