Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Hole

We're all standing here
All of us - together
But it feels kinda out of sync
As if its not all of us but
Me and then all of you

I'm falling into a hole
And I don't like it
I know I tell you I'm alright
But I'm not
I'm scared, I'm lonely
I'm feeling... Alone

I'm wondering if you've noticed
My smile doesn't reach my eyes
My laugh doesn't touch my heart
'I'm fine' could mean
'I'm hurt'... or even
'I'm miss you'

I'm falling down the hole
And I can't stop
Nothing to hold on to
No one to pull me up
The endless hole, its filling me
My life, my self
Maybe because the hole
Is within my soul
I'm lost and I can't find me

I need to find myself
I don't know where I'm off to
I'm scared, lonely, insecure
I'm really not as strong as
I pretend and appear to be

I'm trying to find me
And I don't know when
I'll be back....
Please... wait...

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