Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Live For Me

This story actually started out as an 'essay' for school and when I was done I realized it wasn't much of an essay.... I submitted it anyway.... Don't know what happened to it, though... :P


"Live For Me"

She couldn't believe her ears. Her brain refused to believe what flashed out in front of her. He was gone and he was never, ever coming back.

Julie William, sixteen years old last Wednesday. Looking at the limp body of her elder brother, Adrian William, barely 21 years old, his life drastically cut short by a freak accident.

Two days ago, Adrian had come home for the weekend during his last semester in University. He was every thing to her, her brother, her best friend, her mentor, her role model. He was perfect - top rank in college, an amazing basketball player, kind, sweet, sensitive, tall and handsome and an amazing orator. The kind of person one would expect to make a change in the lives of millions of people. Then again, what people expect to happen is not what will happen. In the loom of life, his thread had unexpectedly, come to an end.

She remembers that night. Adrian was taking her to a concert. She was excited, talking non-stop. She remembered the way he smiled at her, looking at her as if she was his daughter, a particularly talkative five year old.

Next thing she remembered was waking up in a clean, sanitized room. A pretty nurse with olive green eyes smiled at her and asked her if she was feeling fine. There was something missing in her smile, it didn't quite reach her eyes.

A truck. The driver was drunk and didn't notice the car on the road. He turned into the road, facing the oncoming cars on a one-way road. It caused a multi car accident, in which the truck almost drove over one car, then came to a stop. Two more cars coming behind the first one, crashed into the side of the truck. Julie and Adrian were in the first car.

When she was told this story, she asked, "Where's Adrian?"

She got no reply. She couldn't cry. Her heart felt like it was in pieces. It felt as if the other half of her life had disappeared, but she couldn't cry. She refused to believe it. She couldn't hear the nurse calling out to her, begging her to stay in bed. She had escaped with a shattered ulna in her right arm, a humerus that had snapped in half in her left, and a broken parietal which brought about a possibility of a cerebral haemorrhage. She was supposed to stay in bed, under observation.

All she could think about was him, Adrian. She walked out of the observation room, saw her parents, her mother sobbing but, no tears. Her father looking as if he hadn't slept for days. The nurse came and held her hand, smiled, a smile of understanding and helped her towards the ICU, where Adrian was.

The doctor came out. "He's not going to make it."

She walked into the ICU. Walked to his bedside. A hundred tubes coming out of him. He smiled when she came into his view, he couldn't move his head. A smile of pain. He motioned to her with his fingers. She went to his bedside and held his hand as softly as she could, trying not to hurt him. He saw her pain and smiled, trying to be brave. He whispered softly, "Live for me"

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