Thursday, August 16, 2012

*Still thinking of a title that would be appropriate*

Started writing a new story but I'm about midway and I doubt I'd have time to finish before tomorrow. Tomorrow, by the way is when I'm heading to college. And I doubt I'd have time to post as much as I do know (though I know I haven't been posting as much as I used to).

Terrible cold. Have to pause between words to sneeze. Typing is going incredibly slow.

And I'm feeling cold. All wrapped up in the blanket, a head and two hands sticking out. Then again, who cares?

If you came to read one of my sappier stories, romances, or what-not just pick the older post. This will be a rant.

If you might be interested in reading something a little different and something my cold-addled brain seems to think might be intellectually stimulating, you may proceed reading.

Anyway, this friend of mine on twitter (I call him friend, you can say we 'follow' each other) who had an appreciation profile for one incredibly inspiring celebrity just stopped tweeting about two days ago. And he was someone who was one of the most sweetest, kindest, most genuine people I know and now he's stopped tweeting.

If anyone is still here reading this you're probably thinking 'So what?' Or maybe you weren't thinking that but are now thinking, 'Ha! Why does this chick write like she has a wide readership?' If you were among those who were innocently reading without thinking either of those things, I apologize. If I read your mind, mwahahahaha.

Sorry, I got sidetracked. Back to the story.

The reason I am ranting is the reason why he's stopped tweeting. A guy from his school finds out about this twitter profile and creates an 'issue' in school. And this friend of mine (I hope I'm not taking too many liberties calling him a friend) had tried dealing with it in many different ways until finally deciding to delete his twitter.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. This profile was kind of like a fansite of sorts for this celebrity, and this guy used to post pictures, random moments, quotes and other awesome things about this awesome person. In between all that, he'd post about stuff her believed in and I emphasize that he wasn't looking for popularity by jumping onto the fanbase bandwagon. He was just a guy who's life had been greatly influenced by a person and he just wanted to appreciate it.

But maybe it was misunderstood by those at school (because had about 4k followers, that's how awesome his posts were) and I just want to say that being unable to express yourself because of someone else is ridiculous. I'm not saying that this friend of mine wasn't strong enough, because no matter how hard we preach we all have felt at some point how hard it is to keep someone's opinions about us that was rubbed in our faces out of our minds and keep going like nothing is wrong. If you disagree, I applaud you. It is a great achievement to be able to do that, its just that everyone can't. Hell, I'll admit that I've tried and failed. Not that I'm some great person to compare yourself with. I'm just saying.

But if you're one of those who've caused someone enough pain to make them shut away their thoughts, I don't know what to say to you. I mean, I literally paused for ten minutes after the comma in that sentence trying to figure out what to say. My discarded options - 'Die a painful death!', 'DIE DIE DIEEE!', 'I hope someone makes you feel the way you have made someone feel' and 'Congratulations. You have now killed someone. I guess that makes you a murderer.' but they all sounded way too lame to end the sentence with.

And to anyone who's been put down, be strong. I mean, when it can't get any worse, it has to get better. That might be a bit pessimistic but it's sorta true. And take care and eat lots of chocolate. Or ice cream if you're not infected by the cold bug like I am.

Oh man. I hope the 'friend' doesn't see this post. It could be very embarrassing.

Since its a long shot, I might as well post it. And to anyone who is still confused at the end of all this, sorry! I get rambling when I'm irritable.

God, I hate haters.

Love.(For anyone who wants it. Leave it here if you don't.)

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