Monday, July 11, 2011


Had a teeny weeny little scare because I hadn't been able to access my blog the past one month and then I had to verify my email id and then I could access my email account and yadda yadda yadda... But anyway.... I'm back~!

As a temporary relief from not reading anything new for the past one month (yeah, I know how much you missed me :^(...^^) here's something I haven't finished, but probably wont finish because I don't remember when I wrote it or what I was thinking when I  wrote it or what I was feeling when I wrote it....

Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing
Or even why I'm doing it
But that's okay, cause nothing can get it my way
I'm going to be who I want to be
And I'm gonna do it just the way I want to

It doesn't matter if you think I'm being silly
Or immature or insane or whatever
Hell I don’t care if you don't think anything at all
Cause I'm just being me, it doesn't matter if I fall

Don't lie to me, I might believe you
Don’t forbid me, I might deceive you

Sort of rebellious I thought... you know, the kind of rebellious you are back in 8th Grade?? Anyhoo.... Me better be off.... Just made plans for tomorrow, don't wanna get them ruined by my refusal to get off the computer..... :P :P

Until later....

Hawtt Kiseop... Been my wallpaper for months.. :D

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