Monday, March 21, 2011

Random lines....

Haven't thought of a name for these poems so here they are just as a few random lines in the middle of.... whatever...

I'm looking at you, not really seeing

I'm smiling, but I don't really feel it
I'm saying the words that I don’t believe in
Sitting next to you, I'm not really here
You see my eyes but not the tears
You don’t see the pain behind the smile

Living in a fantasy seems okay
Right up until it fades away
Is life worth living if you've stopped believing
Are dreams worth seeing if they have no meaning

The next coupla lines I'd originally written as the next two paragraphs of the same poem but then decided that it totally changes the theme of the poem.... and that it was referring to two separate situations.....
I'm lost in my mind, come find me

Lost my heart somewhere behind me
I'm not thinking straight
The thoughts make no sense
And I can't stop thinking
Even if I did, I feel its too late

I've hurt people I only wanted to protect
Forgotten memories I'd once cherished
You may hate me for where I am now
Somehow It doesn't matter to me,
Not anymore. I like who I am now.

Well yeah. that's about it for now..... Working on this story.... Which now that I think about it, has a theme similar to that of Pink Strawberry Ice Cream.....

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