Friday, January 14, 2011

The Chronicler

I'm not sure when exactly it was, that everything fell apart
That we totally messed up and you and me couldn't be 'us' as easily
But I know that it has happened, and I'm not going to deny
I'm not the same I was back when everything was alright.

First I denied it and then the tears came,
Then we made up but now I've begun to see
We can't just hit rewind and start over.
We've got to walk through the broken pieces,
And wait for the cuts to stop bleeding…
We're still waiting…

I don't know whether we can ever be exactly what we were initially
It's not anyone's fault but now I'm rather scared to trust
Not just you, everyone and anyone, scared to say what I feel
Because the feeling of not having anymore, the one you love
The one who knows you, the one who's been there,
Feeling like all that we've ever been through is falling apart
Is a feeling that I would never want to feel again.


I'm open to criticism....